The Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics (BCTP) is a joint enterprise of theoretical physicists and mathematicians at various institutes associated with the University of Bonn. It serves as a hub for connecting ideas from a broad spectrum of scientific areas in the spirit of its eponym - Hans Bethe. Click here for more information.
Bethe Formats
The Bethe Center organizes the following regular events.

Bethe Forums
World experts come together in our Bethe Forums to discuss cutting edge research topics and to initiate and foster collaborations.

Bethe Colloquia
The Bethe colloquium sheds light on a topic of joint interest and is given by a leading figure in the respective field.

Bethe Lecture Series
Topical lecture series complement the activities at the Bethe Center. Typically these address students and researchers at the same time.

High Energy Physics
The theory of elementary particles explores the most fundamental building blocks of nature.

Hadron & Nuclear Physics
The strong force governs the building blocks of nuclei which are composed of quarks and gluons.

Condensed Matter Physics
The properties of matter are derived from the physics of its constituents.

Mathematics and physics are deeply connected and keep inspiring each other.

Mathematical Physics & Strings
Elementary strings provide a fascinating model of particles and a source for mathematical insight.

Astroparticle Physics
The intersection of astro- and particle physics represents an intriuging research area.
Organization of the Bethe Center
Directors and Manager
The Bethe Center is led by its board of directors and its scientific manager.
Prof. C. Duhr (Director)
Prof. U.-G. Meißner (Associate Director)
Prof. C. Stroppel (Associate Director)
Dr. F. Loebbert (Scientific Manager)
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee meets regularly to discuss recent developments and next steps.
Prof. J. Dölz
Prof. M. Drees
Prof. H. Dreiner
Prof. C. Duhr
Prof. L. Funcke
Prof. A. Klemm
Prof. J. Kroha
Prof. D. Luitz
Prof. U.-G. Meißner
Prof. H. Monien
Prof. H. P. Nilles
Prof. C. Stroppel
Prof. C. Urbach
Prof. D. Zagier
Advisory Board
Leading experts from all over the world provide external advice on future plans for the Bethe Center.
Prof. J. Gasser (Bern)
Prof. J. Kim (Seoul)
Prof. D. Lüst (München)
Prof. A. Millis (New York)
Prof. F. Otto (Leipzig)
Prof. S. Raby (Columbus)
Click here for contact details concerning the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics.